
Paul and Irene have been at the heart of resetting the Tesco Brand. They have supported rebuilding our Own Brand architecture, positioning and propositions in particular our ‘Exclusively at Tesco’ brands.
While their work speaks for itself, it is their style and approach that have made them an indispensable part of our team.
Professional, responsive, authentic and above all exceedingly smart, Paul & Irene have been our go to partners and always an absolute pleasure to work with.
Murray Bisschop, Innovation Director, Tesco
With competition from the discount supermarkets causing Tesco significant issues in market share, the team at Tesco devised a new own-brand structure that reflected customer need for more than reduced prices for supermarket-produced products.

Alongside a major project to overhaul the design of own-label, certain categories were selected as opportunities to compete further with labelled brands, in areas where the Tesco name alone would not be enough.
Following indepth market research, the scale of the current own brand challenges were evident. The bottom line was it was ‘shit to the power of 3 – looks shit, think it is shit and I feel shit buying it’. We found customers hiding them in their baskets, and the stripes of shame had left a long enduring ‘cheap skate’ legacy. So we set out to create brands customers would be proud to serve their family and feel savvy (not shameful) buying.
Marketing Mums worked at breakneck pace with numerous Tesco teams and design agencies across all categories using a ‘Greenhouse’ process. By category, after a thorough review of all inputs, starter insights were brought to a series of workshops, where cross-functional teams brainstormed, developed and honed concepts. They were inspired by stories from the start of Tesco, tying in with centenary celebrations of when Jack Cohen lay the foundations for the Tesco brand.
Category by category, Marketing Mums ran a series of Greenhouse sessions: led by insight, workshopped through and developed through iterations with customers.
The selected concepts were brought to life by graphic designers, not only in the studio but behind the glass in research facilities, creating new iterations in real-time that built on the way each set of customers reacted to them. This is where the excitement of the work we do was most evident, as great ideas blossomed into life and struck customers with the way they answered their needs.
Each time, at the end of the research stage of the Greenhouse, there was a clear brand concept ready for development: robust, researched and grounded. Having been co-created with customers every step of the way we were confident we’d created brands customers would be not just happy but proud to buy.